The existence of this king has not yet been scientifically confirmed and is only evident from religious literature such as Periyapuranam, semi-biographical poems of the later Chola period, and temple and cave inscriptions.


Perunaṟkiḷḷi must have been a powerful monarch, as he is the only one among the Tamil sovereigns of the Śangam age who performed the Rājasūya; it is likely that the Cēra Māri Veṇkō and the Paṇḍya Ugrapperuvaḷudi both attended this great inauguration of Perunaṟkiḷḷi’s rule, and that the fine benediction of Auvaiyār in which she includes all the three was, as suggested by Kanakasabhai, pronounced on this occasion:

‘This heavenlike country with its divisions, whether it is yours or is owned by others who do not go with you but are against you, belongs in truth to the saintly; may you, in your lifetime, pour out with water flowers and gold into the outstretched hands of the Brahmans; dink of the sweet liquor which your servant maids glittering with jewels hold before you in golden cups, and in your exultation, bestow costly gifts without limit on the needy; only the good deeds that you do now will stand by you at the time of your death. Ye monarchs! (lords) of the white umbrella and the pennoned chariot! Seated together, you appear like the three sacred fires which the twice-born preserve day and night with ceaseless vigilance. Only this can I say: may your days be as many as the stars in the sky or the rain-drops in heavy showers.’



Preamble: no preamble of the Chola ruler available

Title: no ruler title available

Year of birth: no date available

Place of birth: no location available

Year of death: no date available

Place of death: no location available

Reign: no information about his reign

Seat of government: no location available

Predecessor: no name available

Successor: no name available

Father: no information about his father

Mother: no information about his mother

Wives: no information about his wives

Children: no information about his children

Era: Sangam period

Time period: Early Cholas


no picture available

no picture available

  1. Sastri, K. A. Nilakanta, The Cōḷas, 1955, p. 48